Market Analysis

Get the right data about your market

Whether you are an established player in a mature market or a new brand in an emerging market, you need the right data about your market to inform strategic decision making.

We can help you to:
  • Identify and validate market opportunities
  • Evaluate market attractiveness
  • Identify potential future threats
  • Size the market
  • Map the value chain
  • Understand industry trends
  • Assess technological impacts
Through our multi-lens approach, we combine methods such as industry consultation, primary market research and secondary data analysis to deliver robust strategic frameworks for your business.

We can also help you to take the data from the market analysis and transform it into a strategic plan.

Talk to us today about how we can help you get better market intelligence that can deliver a strategic competitive advantage.

Related services we offer include

Competitive intelligence

If you don’t have a clear view of your competitive set and their relative strengths and weaknesses, we can conduct an analysis that makes it easy to see where you should be competing and what makes your offering distinctive. Read more.

Customer journey mapping

Paint a clear picture of the different moments and touchpoints where people connect with your organisation, so that you can pin-point where to focus investment. Read more.

Corporate & growth strategy

We can help you to identify and capitalise on opportunities, and understand and mitigate risks. Read more.

Strategic planning

We can work with you to develop a roadmap that outlines goals, objectives and the initiatives, responsibilities and timelines that will see the organisation achieve these objectives. Read more.


We can help you focus your marketing investment on certain target groups that will deliver the greatest return on investment.  Read more.

Contact Us Today

Interested in finding out more? We would love to hear from you! Fill in the form and we will be in touch!


Location Details


  Level 1, 91 Havelock Street,
West Perth WA 6005


  223 Liverpool Street,
Darlinghurst NSW 2010