Brand Tracking

Brand tracking for better decisions

If you don’t know how your brand is tracking, it’s impossible to make informed decisions about what to do next. As the saying goes, you can only manage what you measure. We combine best practice methodologies with an understanding of your business to design a tailored tracking program that gives you the depth and breadth of data you need.

The base measures typically included in a brand and communications tracker are:
  • Brand awareness
  • Brand consideration and preference
  • Brand perceptions
  • Usage/market share
  • Advertising recall, engagement and response
We also capture key demographic information to allow for the analysis of results by factors such as household type, age, gender etc.

In addition to these base measures, we develop each tracking questionnaire to include additional questions that can cover a range of topics, depending on your business objectives.

A modular approach to brand tracking

When developing brand and communications trackers, we often include both a fixed and flexible component. For a brand tracker to serve its purpose (i.e. tracking how things are going), it is important that the core questions remain unchanged over time. However, we recognise that businesses need their research to be as agile as they are, so we design our tracking programs to allow for new questions to be slotted in as soon as a new information need arises.

Online dashboards and reporting

Once the data is captured it needs to be brought to life in a way that all stakeholders can interpret and act on. We believe that data should tell a story.

Online dashboard – Metrix Stories

Deep dive reporting

Not all clients will require a dashboard. Some just need periodic, comprehensive analysis of the tracking results. And, of course, some clients will require both.
In our deep-dive comprehensive reports, we look at the collective data over a certain period (e.g. 3 months) and we apply a range of statistical analysis techniques to uncover the story in the data. Through this ‘story first’ approach, the focus becomes on translating the information into insight and providing you with actionable recommendations regarding how to move forward.

Related services we offer include

Brand strategy

We can help shape the future direction of your brand through a brand strategy. Read more.

Brand architecture

We can provide clarity regarding how your different product and service offerings relate to one another and the hierarchy within which they should sit. Read more.


We can help you focus your marketing investment on certain target groups that will deliver the greatest return on investment. Read more.

Value proposition design

We can help you develop or refine your value proposition in the market. Read more.

Marketing strategy & planning

We can work with you to determine ‘where to play’ and ‘how to win’, to help guide your marketing investment. Read more.

Contact Us Today

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Location Details


  Level 1, 91 Havelock Street,
West Perth WA 6005


  223 Liverpool Street,
Darlinghurst NSW 2010