Take 5 with Kayla Surace

Take 5 with Kayla Surace teaser

Date published 18 Mar 2021

We chatted to Kayla Surace, Business Director at Metrix Consulting, for our most recent Take 5 interview.

Storytelling in market research is important because it’s the most memorable and engaging way of presenting data and insights. We use stories to connect and communicate in life and using this in a workplace context means our clients can recall and respond more effectively.

My favourite way of presenting findings is in person. Presentations and client interactions are what I enjoy most about working at Metrix. Being able to engage and explain our findings, their implications and how a client should move forward is such an important part of what we do, rather than simply delivering a written report.

It’s not unusual to find me knee-deep in spreadsheets and data files. I love digging deep into the numbers.

Some of the best advice I’ve been given came just after the arrival of our twins Oliver and Ezra at the beginning of February 2020. Being a first-time parent is challenging at the best of times, but especially so with two little ones. No matter how hard things seem, it is all a phase and things will quickly change – so cherish those clingy moments when they want nothing but cuddles all night because before you know it, they will be off exploring the world.

For lunch I love to have something different every day! Cooking is a passion coming from a big Italian family. These days I don’t get as much time to cook as I’d like to, mostly spending my time in the kitchen meal-prepping for the twin boys.

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